"Longoz Ormanında Gündoğumu" İğneada, Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-300 L IS "Sunrise at Flooded Forest" Igneada Flooded Forest National Park, Kirklareli, Turkey |
"Beraber" İğneada, Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-300 L IS "Together" Igneada Flooded Forest National Park, Kirklareli, Turkey |
"Sonbaharın Aynası" İğneada, Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-300 L IS "Mirror of the Fall" Igneada Flooded Forest National Park, Kirklareli, Turkey |
"Yeşil ve Sonbahar" İğneada, Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-300 L IS "Green and the Fall" Igneada Flooded Forest National Park, Kirklareli, Turkey |
"Merdiven Şelalesi" İğneada, Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 16-35 Mark II, HDR uygulandı "Stairs Fall" Igneada Flooded Forest National Park, Kirklareli, Turkey, HDR applied |
"Parkta Ağaç Kesimi" İğneada, Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 16-35 Mark II, HDR "Woodcutting at the Park" Igneada Flooded Forest National Park, Kirklareli, Turkey, HDR applied |
"Longoz Ormanında Gündoğumu - 2" İğneada, Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-300 L IS "Sunrise at Flooded Forest - 2" Igneada Flooded Forest National Park, Kirklareli, Turkey |
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